Botanicals Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet


Budding florists can relax and unwind as they build the bouquet, which consists of 15 LEGO flower stems, including daisies, cornflowers, eucalyptus, elderflowers, roses, ranunculus, cymbidium orchids, a waterlily dahlia and a campanula. All the stems are adjustable, encouraging builders to arrange a bespoke bouquet that they can use as floral home or office decor. For added customization, the flowers can be arranged with other LEGO bouquets, sold separately, to create a larger, unique floral display.

A thoughtful Mother’s Day gift, Valentine’s Day gift or housewarming gift, these customizable LEGO flowers are sure to be treasured forever by loved ones.

Age 18+

Shipping Information

📪️ All shipping orders are sent from Portland. Items must be available in the Portland store in order to process a shipping order.

📪️ We ship via UPS

📪️ Orders are processed daily, and picked up for transit Monday-Friday

📪️ Flat Rate $9.95


Botanicals Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet


Budding florists can relax and unwind as they build the bouquet, which consists of 15 LEGO flower stems, including daisies, cornflowers, eucalyptus, elderflowers, roses, ranunculus, cymbidium orchids, a waterlily dahlia and a campanula. All the stems are adjustable, encouraging builders to arrange a bespoke bouquet that they can use as floral home or office decor. For added customization, the flowers can be arranged with other LEGO bouquets, sold separately, to create a larger, unique floral display.

A thoughtful Mother’s Day gift, Valentine’s Day gift or housewarming gift, these customizable LEGO flowers are sure to be treasured forever by loved ones.

Age 18+

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